Nutrition Tips for Breast Feeding Moms - Burrbaby

Nutrition Tips for Breast Feeding Moms

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural process that provides vital nutrients for your baby and fosters a strong bond between the two of you. Your body is doing a lot of work to feed your baby, so diet plays an essential role in maintaining the quality of your breast milk and, ultimately, contributing to the development of your baby.


As always, we are not giving medical advice and recommend you speak with your primary care physician, lactation consultants, and nutritionist.


Article Overview


  • Overview of the impact of a mother’s diet on breast milk quality
  • Protein Intake Guidelines for Breastfeeding Mothers
  • Healthy Fats For Improving Breast Milk Quality
  • Choosing Vitamin and Mineral Rich Foods For Breastfeeding
  • The Importance of Hydration for Breast Feeding
  • Mindful Eating and Listening to Your Body
  • Avoid Excessive Caffeine Intake While Breastfeeding
  • Alcohol Intake and Breastfeeding: Good or Bad?
  • Proper Breast Milk Storage


At Burrbaby, we're dedicated to being a part of a healthier world for your children. We hope to accomplish this through our zero-plastic glass breast milk storage containers and bottles. These completely non-toxic, sustainable choices protect your baby's health and our planet.


How a mother’s diet can impact breast milk quality


Different nutrients in a mother’s diet, such as proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, can influence the quality of breast milk. Understanding which foods you should prioritize and which to avoid during lactation is an important factor in helping you feel assured you are provide optimal nourishment to your baby.

In this article, we will explore some of the nutrients that should be present in a lactating mother’s diet and some foods worth avoiding to promote higher quality breast milk.


Protein Intake Guidelines for Breastfeeding Mothers


As a nursing mother, you should always be mindful to eat enough protein throughout the day. If you don't have enough protein, your milk might not give baby enough either.

Incorporate a variety of protein sources into your diet, including red meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Red meat can also provide essential nutrients like iron and vitamin B12. Try to make it a varied approach by land (red meats, pork, etc.), air (chicken, turkey, etc.), and by sea (low mercury fish).


Importance of protein for baby's growth and development


Protein is vital for your baby’s overall growth, tissue repair, and the development of muscles, skin, and other organs. Consuming a balanced and varied diet, including a range of the protein sources mentioned above, will help ensure your breast milk provides the necessary nutrients for your little one.


Action plan for increasing protein in your diet


Set daily protein goals: Aim for a minimum daily intake of about 65 to 85 grams of protein, as recommended for breastfeeding mothers. This amount can vary depending on individual factors such as weight and activity level, so consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

It’s also worth noting that overdoing it on protein is hard, and eating more will likely only be of benefit to you and your baby.


Diversify your protein sources: Include different types of protein in your meals to ensure a well-rounded diet. For example, alternate between chicken, fish, and red meat throughout the week to enjoy various nutrients and flavors. Don't forget about eggs, they are a great source of healthy fats, protein, and vitamins.

Plan protein-rich snacks: Prepare nutritious snacks like Greek yogurt with fruit, nuts, or a hard-boiled egg to help you reach your protein goals between meals. 

Sprinkle in plant-based proteins: In addition to animal sources, incorporate plant-based protein options such as legumes, millet, and quinoa, which offer additional benefits like fiber and antioxidants.

Read food labels: Pay attention to the protein content of packaged foods and choose those with higher protein levels to help meet your daily goals.


    By following this action plan and ensuring you consume an appropriate amount of protein from various sources, you can help promote your baby’s healthy growth and development while supporting your health and well-being during your breastfeeding journey.

    Read more about finding the right time to start pumping breastmilk.


    olive oil healthy fat nutrition for breastfeeding

    Healthy Fats For Improving Breast Milk Quality


    Dietary fats are crucial to your baby’s growth, brain development, and overall health. Incorporate healthy fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, into your diet by consuming avocados, olive oil, nuts, seeds, eggs, and fatty fish.

    These healthy fats can help support your energy levels, maintain healthy hormone production, and provide key nutrients for both you and your baby.

    Action plan for incorporating healthy fats:


    Aim to include a source of healthy fats at each meal or snack:


    Breakfast: Top your oatmeal or Greek yogurt with chia seeds, walnuts, or macadamia nuts. Cook a couple of eggs in avocado or coconut oil; the yolks in eggs provide healthy fats and vitamins that will fortify your breast milk.


      Lunch: Add sliced avocado to your sandwich or add crumbled feta cheese to your salad. Even better, make your sandwich with light tuna, which is relatively low in mercury but high in good omega-3s.


        Dinner: Choose omega-3-rich protein options like salmon and cod with roasted vegetables drizzled with olive oil. When eating your leafy green salad, don't be afraid to add a little extra virgin olive oil on top. Shellfish like scallops, clams, or mussels are also great options if you don't have a family history of shellfish allergy.


          Snack: Munch on a handful of almonds or spread nut butter on apple slices. One of the healthiest snacks for you and your breastmilk is skinless, boneless sardine fillets in olive oil. Many people are put off by sardines, but if you buy high-quality canned sardine filets, they aren't the whole fish you imagine. They're tasty and packed with protein and healthy fats. Avoid sardines canned in vegetable oils.


            Cook with heart-healthy oils, such as olive, coconut, or avocado, instead of hydrogenated oils and seed oils.


              Keep a variety of nuts and seeds in your pantry, such as almonds, walnuts, macadamia, brazil nuts, cashews, and pistachios to make easy go to snacks.


              Role of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Brain Development


              Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are very important for your baby’s brain development and cognitive function. Fatty fish, like salmon, mackerel, and sardines, are rich sources of these essential fatty acids.

              If you’re vegetarian or not a fan of fish, consider including plant-based sources of Omega-3s, such as chia seeds, flaxseeds, and walnuts, in your diet.

              If you cannot meet your Omega-3 requirements through diet alone, discuss with your healthcare provider the possibility of adding a high-quality Omega-3 supplement.

              Search for supplements with at least a combination of 600mg of DHA and EPA. Low quality fish oil supplements will say their serving size is around 1g, but if you dig in deeper, the good stuff like DHA and EPA is lacking. We also like to keep ours frozen until we are ready to open the bottle, and in the fridge once the bottle is opened to ensure it doesn't go rancid.

              By implementing this action plan and prioritizing your consumption of healthy fats and Omega-3 fatty acids, you’ll be supporting both your baby’s optimal growth and development as well as your health and well-being.


              Choosing Vitamin and Mineral Rich Foods For Breastfeeding


              We've covered protein and fats, so now lets get into vitamins and minerals. Ensure you consume essential nutrients like calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin D, and B vitamins. Foods like vegetables, dark leafy greens, dairy products, red meat, and dark-colored fruits can help meet your nutritional needs.


              avocado egg sandwich nutrition for breastfeeding mothers

              The importance of including a variety of fruits and vegetables in the diet


              Fruits and vegetables provide abundant vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support your baby’s growth and development. Try to include a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables in your diet to ensure a wide range of nutrients for you and your baby.


              Action plan for including fruits and vegetables in your diet:


              Plan Your Meals: Plan in advance to make it easier to include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Create a weekly meal plan that incorporates a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, taking into account your personal preferences and any dietary restrictions. It can also be helpful to cook large meals and store individual portions in glass containers for convenient, time-efficient healthy meals throughout the week.

              Shop Wisely: When grocery shopping, prioritize buying fresh, in-season fruits and vegetables which are more flavorful. However, don’t shy away from frozen produce; it can be just as nutritious as fresh options when unavailable or unaffordable.

              Mix and Match: Combine different fruits and vegetables to create delicious and nutritious meals. Experiment with new combinations, textures, and flavors to keep your diet interesting and enjoyable. Try incorporating different colors and types of produce in each meal to ensure a diverse nutrient intake.

              Sautee asparagus in olive oil or avocado oil. Make big salads with mixed greens, tomatoes, and olive oil. Throw some mixed sprouts in a lunch wrap with deli turkey or ham. We love just throwing a bag of frozen broccoli in a pot with some grass-fed butter, salt and pepper. There really are a lot of ways to get vegetables in. 

              For fruit, berries are typically the best when it comes to vitamins and antioxidants.

              Make Them Accessible: Always keep fruits and vegetables in your kitchen to encourage healthy snacking. Store them in visible spots, like the top shelf of your fridge or in a fruit bowl on the counter to remind you to reach for them when hunger strikes.

              Setting Goals: Set realistic, achievable goals for yourself to help increase your fruit and vegetable consumption. Add an extra serving of fruit or vegetables to one meal daily and gradually increase your intake as you become more comfortable.


                By following this action plan, you’ll be well on your way to incorporating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables into your diet, ensuring that you and your baby receive the nutrients needed for your healthy breastfeeding journey.


                The Importance of Hydration for Breast Feeding


                Adequate fluid intake helps your body maintain a healthy milk supply, so hydration is a critical component in your breastfeeding nutrition plan that is sometimes overlooked. In addition, drinking enough water supports many other physiological processes and ensures stays hydrated too.

                Aim to drink around 13-16 cups of water per day as a breastfeeding mother to stay well-hydrated, although this will vary depending on your activity levels. Keep a water bottle (preferably glass or stainless steel) handy to remind yourself to drink regularly and pay attention to your thirst signals.


                Mindful Eating and Listening to Your Body


                As a nursing mother, make sure to listen to the cues your body is giving you. Your energy needs are increased during lactation, so you need to consume enough calories to support yourself and your baby. Adopting a mindful eating approach can help you tune in to your body’s signals and provide the nutrients for optimal health.

                To practice intuitive eating, focus on consuming nutrient-dense meals and snacks that satisfy your hunger and taste preferences. Avoid strict diets or restrictive eating patterns that may jeopardize your milk supply and overall well-being.

                Instead, trust your body to guide you in making the best food choices for you and your baby.


                Foods to Avoid During Lactation


                High-mercury fish


                Consuming fish with high levels of mercury can pose risks to both you and your baby since mercury can pass through breast milk and affect baby’s developing nervous system. According to the American Pregnancy Association, high levels of mercury exposure can lead to developmental delays and learning disabilities in children.

                This isn't something to completely freak out about, but definitely be mindful of your high-mercury fish consumption.


                Alternatives to high-mercury fish


                Not all fish are created equal; many types are low in mercury and safe to consume during lactation. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends eating 2-3 servings (8-12 ounces) of low-mercury fish per week, such as salmon, cod, light tuna, sardines, or shrimp.

                By including these low-mercury alternatives in your diet, you can still reap the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids without the risks associated with high-mercury fish.

                Here is a great guide to low-mercury fish options from the FDA:


                cup of coffee caffeine during pregnancy

                Avoid Excessive Caffeine Intake While Breastfeeding


                While moderate caffeine intake is considered safe during lactation, excessive consumption may adversely affect your baby.

                The American Academy of Pediatrics notes that high levels of caffeine in breast milk can cause increased heart rate, irritability, fussiness, and sleep disturbances in infants. Therefore, it’s try to strike a balance that allows you to enjoy your favorite caffeinated beverages without negatively impacting your little one.


                Recommendations for safe caffeine consumption


                The general guideline for breastfeeding mothers is to limit caffeine intake to 200-300 milligrams per day, approximately two to three cups of coffee. This recommendation also includes other sources of caffeine, such as tea, chocolate, and some medications.

                By staying mindful of your caffeine intake, you can enjoy your favorite pick-me-ups without compromising your baby’s well-being. Additionally, try to spread out caffeine consumption rather than intaking the daily limit all at once. It's also not recommended to drink energy drinks as they can cause too much stimulation in a short period of time.


                Alcohol Intake and Breastfeeding: Good or Bad?


                Alcohol consumption during lactation can transfer alcohol to breast milk and, consequently, to the baby. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, even small amounts of alcohol in breast milk can negatively affect the baby’s feeding, sleep, and development.


                Guidelines for alcohol consumption during lactation


                The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that not drinking alcohol is the safest option for breastfeeding mothers. However, if you choose to consume alcohol, keep it to 1-2 drinks per 24-hour period and wait at least two hours before nursing to allow the alcohol to metabolize and minimize its presence in breast milk.

                In addition, pumping and discarding breast milk does not accelerate the elimination of alcohol from your body, so it’s essential to time your alcohol consumption and breastfeeding carefully.


                Proper Breast Milk Storage:


                You can follow all the steps in this article to maximize your breast milk's nutrition for your baby, but if it isn't stored properly, you could be doing you and your baby a disservice.

                Although plastic containers like disposable breast milk storage bags offer convenience, they may also introduce harmful chemicals or microplastics into breast milk, potentially causing harm to your baby over time. To maximize the safety of your breast milk, consider transitioning to glass storage and bottles.

                Head here to learn more about why and how to switch to glass breastmilk storage containers from plastic.


                Burrbaby's glass breast milk storage and bottles:


                Burrbaby is committed to safety and sustainability and providing non-toxic, eco-friendly glass containers for breast milk storage which can be easily converted to bottles for feeding. These specially-designed containers help maintain breast milk quality by resisting odor and flavor absorption, and they don't harbor bacteria like plastic.

                Glass is not made with all the synthetic chemicals found in plastic, making it a healthier choice for your baby and a more sustainable choice for the environment. Burrbaby also offers bamboo storage boxes, a convenient and elegant way to keep your stored breast milk safe and organized. 

                You can learn more about when to start pumping and best practices for storing breast milk here.




                A lactating mother’s dietary choices can help provide optimal nutrition for her growing baby. A well-balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, such as proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, is crucial for both mother and baby.

                Furthermore, it is important to be aware of foods to avoid, like high-mercury fish, excessive caffeine, and alcohol, to maintain breast milk quality and protect your baby’s health.

                Protecting the quality of breast milk by using safe storage solutions is another essential aspect of ensuring the best possible nourishment for your baby. By choosing glass containers and bamboo storage boxes, like those offered by burrbaby, mothers can have peace of mind knowing they’re safeguarding their breast milk from potentially harmful chemicals and microplastics.



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                About the authors

                Isabel and Wyatt, the founders of Burrbaby, bring a unique blend of expertise to their writing. Isabel, with a BSN in nursing, and experience in public health and pediatrics, and Wyatt, holding a B.Sc. in Biochemistry, provide insights that are grounded experience and scientific understanding.

                Through their blog posts, they aim to educate and empower parents with safe, non-toxic, and eco-friendly solutions. Their shared vision is to help you create a safer, more sustainable environment for your children.

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                Breast Milk Storage and Bottle Bundles

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